
Pricing & Packages

We know everyone has different needs for photos. So, we created different packages to try to fit the majority of those needs. After looking through, if you don't find something that suits your needs, please free feel to message us to create a custom package for you!

Package ONE

1 hour session
Printing rights
Full gallery


Package TWO

1 hour session
Printing rights
40 digital images


Package THREE

30 minute session
Printing rights
10 digital images



What locations can we use?

We have loads of amazing locations, but if there is a specific place you would like to go please contact us!

What do we wear?

We work together to figure out colors that coordinates with you two!

What kind of gear do you use?

I am a Nikon girl with three camera bodies, a ton of different lens, external flashes, and loads of batteries and memory cards!

Do I have to order prints through you?

No you don't. All your photos you receive, you get printing rights. So your allowed to print off your photos as you please. Although, I do recommend printing through me to ensure the quality is excellent!

Ready to Begin?